Tuesday, 30 August 2011

"In every breath there is life"

~The Last Samurai~

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Random Interactions

I was sitting outside the conference room today waiting for a lecture on learning disabilities, when a guy sat down to tie his shoelaces and noticed me reading my psych textbook. He asked me what I could tell about him from what I could see. Slightly startled and not quite sure where this was heading, all I could come up with was that he seemed nice (which was true). In return, he told me what he could tell about me: that I still had some way to go with regards to studying and training, but I would be successful, that I would have a good husband and three children and also that I was nice. After leaving, he came back again to tell me that my children will be beautiful. Lol. Inshallah!

Later on in the day after a placement in a child psychiatry outpatient clinic in Harrow, an elderly lady on the bus starting talking to me, gave me her number and told me to come round some time (and no, she doesn't have any sons so she wasn't 'scouting'). Before I got off the bus, she told me that you can tell a lot about a person from their face and that by reading mine, she could tell I would be very successful. Not quite sure on the accuracy of either individuals' assessments today, but no harm in making dua :)

On another note, my mum and sister have jetted off to Kashmir. It's going to be quiet around here and I'll be spending a very lonely Eid at home. Sniff. However, I'm actually really happy for them because my sister wanted to go and it'll also be the first my mum will do Eid with her father after 29 years inshallah!

Bare love to my mum. I already miss her <3

Monday, 22 August 2011


So.. this looting business that has swept across the UK seems to be more of a shopping spree (without the cash) than anything else. Whilst they seem to be having a hell of a time rampaging the streets and getting their Christmas presents sorted a tad early, a lot of the dumbasses forgot to cover their faces. However, even if they are caught, what with all the prison cuts and the reduced sentences and what-have-you, this will probably mean that at most, they will probably be either facing a fine or community service. Not much compensation considering how many millions insurance companies are going to be forking out to fix damaged property and rebuild businesses. I guess all we can do is wait and see. One thing that does baffle me tremendously is the theft of all that immodium. Either they really need to be on a healthier bowel-freindly diet or they're looking out for their grandmas, in which case, they can't be all that bad eh?

In the aftermath, communities are evolving, rallying together to clean the streets, hand out baked goodies to raise spirits, or even stand guard to protect buildings, worshippers and homes. Yesterday, Sikhs stood guard outside a mosque in Southall whilst Muslims prayed Taraweeh in the holy month of Ramadan, and today, Muslims returned the favour and helped protect the Gurdawara and the gold within from possible looters. It is hearing stories like these of people banding together, irrespective of race and religion that literally chokes me up. It is truly an awesome feeling :)

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

The New Cupcake?

Best place to buy macaroons: Selfridges or Harrods. This will be my food-stop after I try churros with chocolate at Camden Market (as well as the main course Ethiopian and Chinese belly-fillers from the food stalls) ^_^

Tuesday, 2 August 2011


Made from sweet chocolate, butter, eggs, sugar, flour, cocoa powder, milk.

This is going to be a post-Ramadan treat! (inshaAllah)