Friday, 22 February 2013

Emptied Light

The darkness of the cave
in which the stars were borne
shone bright, in awe
drowning deep within her form,
falling into an expanse
emptied of her soul
her name
a richness, a greed
that love had taken all.

When men stood before her
their eyes would seek her peace
the quietness,
a calm,
a bank for their release.
They filled her with their dreams
their tears, their hidden deeds,
and walked away in silence
replenished and revived,
emptied yet complete.

an ignorance of bliss
man still paved his way
carving through earth
that no longer could exist,
to settle in the darkness
in the burden that she now bore
of the life within her soul
for her to weep away
in an act not quite abhorred
of an offering, making room,
always room,
in the expectance of the 'more'.

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