Wednesday, 13 March 2013


The wind brought the devil
and in a mirrored silence, Lucifer and I danced tonight.
Jet black eyes reflected his soul;
a leaping fire, consuming, burning his heart to dust, scattered by the ravens circling his remains.
Through his darkness I drew my veil, a broken fence to his call
and as my heart birthed stones, I felt his burning flesh firmly grasped on my hand,
his ashen remains pulling me towards his abode.
There was only a blackness that lay a choking hold on to life itself
a suffocation that clawed at the dirt
scrabbling, writhing,
Therein lay an empty sack of bones and hollowed skulls that lay bleeding with their sins,
a wasteland desecrated by the stench of the damned. 
A harsh guttural cry escaped from the torn out voices as the broken feasted on the discarded, and a rattling heralded their demise.
Watching as the air within each cell was sucked dry, depleted, 
each soul lay paralysed, charred in the fire of regret.
God stood as a witness to my annihilation,
destruction by my own hand.
God Almighty above, save me from myself.

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