We have all felt pain. But how many of us have lived the life of death? But even in death, it is said that we feel...
There was a time when I felt nothing. Days would go by as though a dream, with the nights and days snaking into one long rope of unending moments, an eternity stretched out in each second that passed by, the brightening and fading of the stars my only sign that the days and months still raced ahead. I saw a lot of the stars in those days. With my face turned to the sky, each night I would watch one ball of light dissolve the others until they re-emerged again. A full circle. Such is the nature of life; birth, growth and death.. only to be followed by birth again..
A peaceful and refreshing sleep was a foreign concept, with any hours of rest I did manage to achieve, being punctuated with constant awakenings to the sound of my own racing heart and gasping tears, thankfully wrenched from yet another dark and hazy dream. They say we are at our most vulnerable when we sleep. In this I have learned to believe. It is the time when you no longer hide behind your impenetrable and strong facade and you can no longer block the truth of your heart from yourself anymore. Perhaps it was the only time I ever allowed myself the blessings of tears. Hidden from the world in my refound sanctuary, where the two opposing concepts of peace and reality combined, I learned to lose the very essence of what makes our souls.. our ability to feel.
Four years.. I remember very little of what happened in those years. Exams, interviews, mundane daily activities, and even friends.. they all came and went. But what I do remember is the change.
I could be happy but not feel happy; I could enjoy life without savouring it; I could laugh and not let it reach my soul.. In essence, I could live and yet really, not live at all. But most of all, I did not care. Time would let me heal, and trustingly placing my hand in hers, through her friendship, I grew. I laughed and sang and danced away my worries and fears and ignored people's wide-eyed curiosity as to how I had become me. A more talkative and confident me, no longer afraid of the world and unwaveringly placing faith in God to always be at my side.
However, with the darkness of each night, there always came the deepest heartbreak that shook my very soul.. a secret between God and I. A secret that gave me peace. A secret that refreshed my soul as I let it bathe in the blessings I had never forgot.
God, Thee I thank for all that You have given me and all that me, You have taught. Let me never stray from the true path that is Yours and let those who are good for my religion and my hereafter come into my life and guide me to all that is true. Let me prostrate humbly before You and let neither pride nor evil stain my heart and I pray that You keep me strong and steadfast in my journey to achieve my goal..
And finally, the fifth year... This year.
Everything seemed to fall into place. My mind clear and my heart content, I have found the peace within myself. I have survived birth, growth and even death, only to live again..
From crushed and demolished earth and rocks, there springs out diamonds; a rare event, uncontrolled, unplanned. Endured. And like diamonds, some people emerge from their darkest times as a heavenly find, radiating the light of sincerity in their hope of bringing joy to others. It truly is an astonishing feat of the human soul, to survive.. and then to thrive. I sincerely pray to be amongst those people..
But far more precious to me than any stone can ever be, is my heart, which I carefully guard. However, there are those to whom I cannot help but give my love, and unknowingly, they are the ones who hold the greatest power to break it all over again.. And knowing that they have that potential to destroy me, would I ever take back my love, even if I could? No, because the greatest gift of all that we humans can give one another, is our love. And if you have ever felt the pain that comes with loss, whether tangible or emotional, you will understand that to be able to feel, most of all, to feel love, it is always worth fighting for, whatever the outcome you fear..
And I? I still fear love..
God keeps all our secrets, but it was time for me to tell mine..
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
Verily we belong to God, and to God we return