Thursday, 25 June 2009


Words are spoken with deliberate force
And with a deliberate pause
As though relishing the taste of each lettered form
And each syllable and word that we impart
Goes out to dance and meet the world
And each dancer has one friend or more
To weave through time
In a particular line
And left for others to taste their sound

I wonder if the words we speak
Hang in time in each place we be
So that each time we open our mouth to talk
Or sing or debate and to recall
We leave an impression in the surrounding air
That like a cloud, enshrouds, ensnares
So when we seem to pluck a word
From the seemingly deceptive empty air
That word in fact was always there
Laying in wait
And waiting for use
Ageing with time
Yet spoken with care

And does us surround
All words ever said
As a testament of life
And of each prayer read
So that when you see shadows of the unspoken mind
It's the mist of the words that have fallen behind
Words with soul
And words of old
Such is the power
Of all that's been told

The power of words
And the power of time
The power we create
In each spoken line..

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