Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Further Ramblings...

I've never fully grasped society's concept of normality. We as humans are created to be individuals. Our differing gene structures and uniquely identifiable fingerprints are a testament to that, and whilst even identical twins may share exactly the same DNA, even they will vehemently argue that they are not 'the same'.

I wonder who it is that creates these ideals of what is to be considered the acceptable way of behaving, dressing, speaking, and living. Perhaps this is where culture shows its effect, as the code of living varies from region to region, and even between adjacent towns we see the 'conventional' rules starting to change. Perhaps we all are just afraid to stray from our fellow flock and have forgotten to be ourselves.

It is in children that we can regrasp the concept of what it is to truly be. Their minds young and untainted by societal restrictions, they speak the truth and act wholly from their free will. In them is an innocence no-one can deny and a freedom we all secretely yearn. Ofcourse, the importance of age cannot be forgotten for it gives us the wisdom of kind words and an even greater potential to give freely of ourselves in a manner far more useful to us all.

It is our experiences, emotions and our ideas that set us apart from one another, for no two people can live exactly the same life and therefore can never be the same. Even when we share corresponding ideals or hold similar views, whether it be on religion, theology or philosophy, we truly are unique. And we as humans should not perceive the norm to be one of those who is amongst the followers of the masses, but instead, we should learn to remain as individuals who listen to the truths of our souls to guide us to what makes our hearts truly sing, and in doing so, accept the new-found awareness of who we really are.

As my soul soothingy hums to me the tune of the life that I have learned to embrace, I stand content, unafraid of being me.

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